COVID-19 Reporting Form
Reporting on COVID-19 symptoms and exposure is essential to the overall health and safety of our campus community. As stated in the Knight’s Pledge, you must self-report your status if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 through close contact. We ask you to report here even if you have been fully vaccinated.
If you have been diagnosed with or tested positive for COVID-19, been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, or are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 (even with no known exposure) please submit a self-report to WPU.
In addition to reporting, non-fully vaccinated students, faculty, staff and On-Campus partners who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been exposed through close contact should:
- Follow the recommendations of your medical provider. Those that need to be seen by a medical professional should either see a family physician of their choice, or seek out another health care provider (urgent care or emergency room). The person should remain isolated until they go to their appointment and are advised to wear a mask when traveling to their appointments. The person should not re-engage in contact with other community members unless cleared by a medical professional or after following the guidelines offered by the local health department, state health agency, and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Failure to comply with stated policies will result in referral to Code of Conduct for students and possible disciplinary action for employees endangering the health and safety of the campus community.
- You must self-quarantine for 2 weeks If you have had prolonged contact of 15 or more minutes, in close proximity of 6 feet or less, with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19.
- Students who live on campus should notify the Residence Life Coordinator, Campus Safety, and/or the Dean of Students. Students who live off campus should contact Campus Safety and/or the Dean of Students. Faculty, Staff and On-Campus Partners should notify their immediate supervisor, Campus Safety and/or Human Resources.
- If you have been fully vaccinated (defined as two weeks since your final dose of vaccine), and have been exposed to someone who is Covid positive, we only ask that you report your exposure. If you are vaccinated and do not have symptoms you do not have to quarantine and you may return to class, work, and normal activities. We ask that you report here so that in the very rare case that you become symptomatic you will be able to let WPU know quickly via the provided contact email you will receive. At that point WPU staff can provide the needed academic support you may need as well as take precautions for other members of the WPU community.
Contact Information:
- Gene Hall, Covid-19 Response Manager & Counseling Center Director : 503-517-1119 or
- Human Resources: 503-517-1205 or
These steps are especially important as we monitor the impact of COVID-19 within the campus community and beyond. This information will help us minimize risk to others.
If you have additional questions or prefer to share information in person, please contact a member of the COVID-19 response team listed in Step 2 above.